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Let’s Get Started with FUNdraising!

Often the most difficult step in fundraising is getting started.  Many people feel overwhelmed when they begin, but don’t get discouraged! Take a deep breath, take that first step, and remember…

“Fundraising is the gentle art of teaching the joy of giving.” 
~Hank Russo

Set a goal. 
Setting a fundraising goal for yourself is one of the easiest and most effective ways of improving your fundraising performance. Your goal should challenge you to really get out and work your network, while remaining attainable. Add your goal to your fundraising web page. Your goal is visible on your personal web page, showing potential sponsors you are serious about raising money!

Know your stuff. 
Confident donors make larger donations but will also want to know where their money is going.  Familiarize yourself with Gilda’s Club Seattle.www.gildasclubseattle.org  The more knowledge you have, the more confidently you can discuss where your supporters’ money will go. 

Identify your network. 
Open Facebook. Pull out your address book. Scroll through contacts on your phone. Your potential donors aren’t just your close friends and family, but everyone you know. You never know who is ready to give, so don’t leave anyone out!

A disorganized approach to fundraising typically brings in fewer funds, so develop a strategy. Think about the people on your list and how you can connect to each of them personally. Timing is also key. What’s going on in each individual’s life? Use personal approaches to ask for a donation, and also to follow up. People will surprise you. You’ll find that most will say, “YES, I want to help!”

Reach out. 
Let’s do this. Call! Write! Text! Tweet! Post!  Don’t forget to reach out to everyone on your list. 
When communicating with potential sponsors, tell the Who, What, When, Why, and How!   

What?  Red Door 5K Run/Walk, a 5K run/walk, benefiting Gilda’s Club Family Programs.   
When?  Why wait? But the fundraising deadline is September 30, 2014.   
Why?  So no one has to face cancer alone.
How?  Direct them to your personal fundraising web page, and with just a couple of clicks, they will be a supporter!  Don’t forget to mention the option of mailing cash or checks to 1400 Broadway Seattle, WA 98122.

Check in. 
Congratulations! The hardest part is over, but you still have some work to do. After a few weeks, check back in with everyone you’ve reached out to that has not yet contributed. We all tend to procrastinate, and unless you follow up, some donors might assume you have reached your goal and don’t need their support. Your family, friends, and acquaintances will appreciate the reminder!

Say thank you. 
An incredibly important final step is to show your gratitude!  Just as you have said “please” while asking for donations, don’t forget these magic words – THANK YOU!  Let your donors know just how much you appreciate their support; without them you wouldn’t be the successful fundraiser you are today! Your expression of thanks not only leaves your donors feeling great about their contribution, it will also make them more likely to give in the future. If you say thank you publicly  on Facebook or Twitter, it may encourage others to give.


Fundraising Tips!

1. Link your fundraising to your Facebook page

Did you know you can link your Red Door Page to a Facebook post?  It’s quick, easy, and effective! Invite your online network to join your efforts with these three steps:

Step 1: Log in to your Joinme page  
Step 2: On the welcome page, click on the blue “Facebook” button on the right. 
Step 3: Follow the prompts to link your fundraising with your Facebook page.

2. Use your status update to inspire and fundraise

Inspire your friends to sponsor you by posting Gilda’s Club facts on Twitter or Facebook.  Be sure to include a link to your personal fundraising web page in each status update. 

3. Include Link to Donate in Your Email Signature 

Include a link to your Red Door 5K web page in your signature. Each time you send a message, the recipient will be provided with a reminder to sponsor you.

4. Use our logo

Make your profile picture the Red Door 5K Logo.

5. Give thanks & get sponsors at the same time

When somebody sponsors you, thank them publicly by updating your status with a message of thanks. This not only lets that donor know how grateful you are for their kind donation, but also inspires others to donate!

6. Advertise your events

Use the “Events” application on Facebook to create an invitation for your next Red Door 5K Run/Walk. Send it out to all of your friends, and make sure you make it an open event so it appears in searches and so guests can send it to their friends.

7. Retweet/Instagram

Follow Gilda’s Club (#gildasclubsea) on Twitter and Instagram and retweet posts, with the addition of your fundraising web page link.    

8. Fundraise “in person”

Record a personal message asking for Gilda’s Club donations and post it on YouTube, Facebook, etc. You can even thank sponsors via videos.                                                                                                                              

9. Remember Matching Gifts 

Many employers will match the charitable donations made by their employees.  You may be able to double every donation you get! 

10. Designate Your own Gilda’s Club Red Door 5K Awareness Day 

Post these Gilda’s Club Statistics. Give out red ribbons to each person who donates.

11. Post the Red Door 5K Walk Poster or Sign 
Put up a sign by the elevator, coffee maker, copy machine, vending machine, break room, or bathroom letting everyone know that you are having a fundraiser for the Red Door 5K and that you would be grateful for their donation.

14. Use Incentives. Get Creative! 
From a free dinner to tickets to a football game, entice people to sponsor you for prizes they can't resist! It can be as simple as offering to bake a batch of cookies for your largest donor of the day.  

15. Raffle it Off! 
Use your connections to get prizes donated for a raffle. You can ask businesses that you frequent (restaurants, spas, hair salons) to donate. Sell tickets at $2 each or 10 tickets for $15. People won't be able to say no to that bargain!  
16. Organize a 50/50 Raffle 
Anyone can organize this type of raffle, it's easy and the prize is CASH!  Let everyone know that half the proceeds from tickets sales will go to your Red Door 5K fundraising total and half will go to the lucky winner. Make your own raffle tickets, so you don’t spend anything!

17. Ask Your Boss 
This will provide a real incentive for your Team Members to raise as much as they can!  If matching the total amount raised by the team is not an option, ask if he/she would be willing to match what the team raises at your next fundraising event. Or ask them to donate $25 for every person who registers on the team. Just ask! 
18. Ask Your Payroll Department 
Spread the word about your Red Door 5K team fundraising by including promotional flyers with every paycheck.  The flyers should include information on how to register as part of the team and how to donate.

19. Auction Your Skills 
Are you a trained massage therapist?  Can you organize a closet like no one else?  What about cleaning house or re-vamping someone's resume?  You can even be the "designated driver" for your friends for a night out on the town.  Let people know that you are willing to trade your services for an Red Door 5K donation.  Set your price high – it's for a good cause!

20. Silent Auction 
Another great way to raise money using donated items is to hold a silent auction. Reach out to everyone you know and ask for product donations, gift certificates, etc. You can make attractive gift baskets out of smaller items. Display the prizes in a high traffic area with a bidding sheet in front of each item. Your co-workers will silently write down what they are willing to donate for each.

21. "Denim Days" or "Dress Down Days" at Work 
Ask management if you can plan Denim Days to benefit your team at work. Charge people $5 to wear jeans to work on Fridays or any other specified day. This is a quick and easy way to raise big bucks. Everyone wants to be casual at work; help people be comfortable on the job and contribute to a great cause.

23. Guest Bartending 
Ask your local bar if they’ll allow you to be a guest bartender for a night, or even for a few hours on a Saturday afternoon. Send out an Evite, inviting everyone you know to join you there for a drink, and ask them to invite everyone they know. Create a sign to place on the bar or a flyer that reads, "All tips collected tonight will go directly to Joe Walker, who's walking 10 kilometers to raise money for people living with Cancer." When people see the sign, they may be willing to dig a little deeper in their pocket!

24. Office Potluck  
Ask everyone to cook and donate an item for a theme luncheon in the office. Take a vote on the theme, and then ask everyone who partakes in the lunch to donate $5 to the Red Door 5K.

25. Dinner with Friends 
Ask your favorite restaurant to help you fundraise. Is there a local restaurant that you frequent? Are you friendly with any restaurateurs?  Ask the owners to donate a portion of one evening’s proceeds to your Red Door 5K fundraising total.  Then make flyers with the information, create an Evite, and invite everyone you know to dine there on that evening. You’ll bring in more business to the restaurant and more money to your Red Door 5K fundraising total.

26. Bake Sale  
Simply make some of your very best cookies, cupcakes, or pies.  Have your co-workers and friends get involved, especially those that can't sponsor you financially.  Advertise the sale and then watch the profits come in.

28. Sports Challenge  
Choose any sport from basketball to dodge ball!  Charge $5 to participate or $25 to form a team! Charge a donation at the door to watch the game.  Secure donated goods and sell them at your concession stand with proceeds going toward your Red Door 5K fundraising total. You can make this a faculty vs. student tournament and the losing team has to do something over-the-top, if they dare!

29. Benefit Concerts/Gigs  
If you know a rock band, barn dance caller, jazz group, DJ, comedian, or string quartet, ask them if they will do a benefit evening for the Red Door 5K at a local club or coffeehouse.